The 20mm beard is generally considered to be a “medium-length beard”, and certainly comes with all the benefits and precautions of one.
It’s a nice round number that some men like to aim for when determining how long they should go.
One of its main benefits is how intensely masculine it can look when groomed and styled properly.
It provides very substantial coverage and is usually past the “awkward phase” of beard growth that a lot of men dread. A lot of patchiness tends to have filled out by the time you get to this length.
If you’re simply looking for a solid trimmer to help you achieve this beard, the Wahl Self-Cut Clippers Model 79467 is definitely worth checking out. Click here to take a look on
Before diving deeper into the key features and main benefits of the 20mm beard, I wanted to detail what it actually looks like and how long (on average) it would take to grow.
Then, I wanted to list some styles that work very well with 20mm worth of facial hair. Believe me – there’s a lot you can do with it.
Also, if you’d like to know what my most recommended beard grooming products of the year are, check this article out.
What Does The 20mm Beard Look Like?

It edges the border between a “short” and “medium” length. Which descriptor you choose really depends on personal opinion. To some men, it’s short, whereas to others, it’s medium-length.
As I mentioned earlier, it can look very rugged despite not being a woodsman-esque length.
It’s able to benefit from the ease of maintenance of a short beard, as well as the ruggedness of a medium or long beard.
It’s important to have an understanding of what 20mm worth of facial hair looks like, but in reality, a “20mm beard” doesn’t exist.
That beard length can be trimmed and styled in many, many ways.
But a classic 20mm beard with hair on the cheeks, chin, and mustache and neatly defined borders is a very sophisticated aesthetic.
How Long Does It Take To Grow A 20mm Beard?
Around 6 to 7 weeks. Although this could only ever be an estimate due to obvious variability in growth rates among men, it’s certainly correct for most men.
This is how long you can expect it to take if you were hoping to achieve 20mm worth of beard length.
It’s a pretty long time, but not a desperately long time.
However, it can definitely feel like it. This is mainly because in order to achieve this length you have to cross quite an “awkward phase” of your growth journey.
Itchiness, patchiness, and a seemingly endless stream of frustration. Around the 10 to 15mm range many men reach for a trimmer out of sheer frustration over their lack of progress.
But hang in there.
It just needs more time. Giving the beard a solid 6 to 7 weeks to grow uninterrupted could help you see it in a totally different light.
Benefits Of The 20mm Beard
1. Patchiness has usually filled itself out
This isn’t always the case, but for many men, simply letting the beard grow a little longer is an effective solution for patchiness.
Around the 10 to 15mm mark, you’ll probably notice that patchiness has started to rear its ugly head. This is mainly because there’s a greater difference in length between the hairs.
Some hairs will be longer, and some shorter. This is a difficult and poorly understood phenomenon that bearded men have to tolerate.
This difference in length means that some areas will seem “thinner” than others. Bare patches will reveal themselves and frustration will grow by the day.
But give it just a little bit more time and you’ll find that those thinner areas tend to flesh themselves out. The beard looks fuller and the longer hairs are long enough to cover some of the thinner areas.
2. It’s lost the sharp edge of stubble
There’s a general principle that the shorter your facial hair, the sharper and rougher it will feel.
This is mainly because the edges tend to round out as the hair grows longer. Short stubble feels sharper than medium stubble, medium stubble feels sharper than heavy stubble, and so on.
This principle applies to short and medium-length beards as well.
Although this may not be that much of a concern to you, you may have a partner that’s tired of coarse, sharp bristles rubbing against their cheeks and causing stubble rash.
Another significant benefit of this beard length is that by this point you’ve usually lost the sharp edges of stubble. When groomed properly, it can feel very soft to touch.
Grooming habits you can practice to make it feel its softest include regularly brushing with a boar bristle beard brush, applying beard oil, and moisturizing the underlying skin.
Medium-length beards generally have texture on their side as well.
3. It isn’t hard to look manly
The manliness of a beard is usually proportional to length; this is a general consensus you may or may not agree with.
Of course, this could only ever be true to a certain extent. When it becomes long enough to sweep the floor it starts to become more of a public safety hazard.
But a medium-length beard such as this one is able to enjoy the benefits of a longer beard while remaining easy to maintain.
One of these benefits is masculinity. Although this term is incredibly subjective, ultimately, growing a 20mm beard would be a pretty surefire way to achieve it.
Again, proper habits are usually what differentiates a manly and alluring beard from an untidy and unkempt one.
It may be too short to reap the benefits of beard combing, but a beard brush would certainly keep it looking straight, full, and neat.
Regularly applying beard oil would also help to moisturize it, giving it a gentle shine and also keeping it smelling incredible (if it was scented).
Trimming the beard borders is also crucial at this length. Defining a proper neckline and cheek line is what will give the beard structure and shape. It’ll also prevent neck stubble from growing wild and ruining the look.
To summarize, 20mm worth of facial hair plus proper beard grooming habits will almost always result in a masculine outcome.
The Best 20mm Beard Trimmer
When attempting to trim a medium-length beard, it’s important to ensure that it comes with length guards that will allow for it.
If the longest length guard a trimmer comes with is 10mm, it probably isn’t going to suit your needs.
For medium-length beards, hair clippers usually work very well. They’re able to trim off larger chunks of hair which is more effective and efficient than usually a simple trimmer.
A great one to check on is the Wahl Self-Cut Clippers Model 79467. Wahl is a brand usually associated with professionals, but this device has the benefit of being easy enough for the everyday user to operate.
Clippers can also feel pretty bulky to hold, but this one is relatively lightweight and comfortable against the palm of the hand.
The blades are also self-sharpening and as a result, stay effective for much longer.
If you’re interested, have a look at it on
4 Glorious Styles To Try With A 20mm Beard
1. The Classic Corporate Boxed
It’s essentially a Short Boxed Beard, except it’s not “short”.
Traditionally a more conservative style to try, it’s a great stepping stone for men looking to test the waters with a medium-length style.
The main benefit is how easy it is to achieve, as well as its versatility. The style would most likely work in the most casual, as well as the most formal of contexts.
It’s very straightforward, consisting of hair on the chin, cheeks, and mustache. In addition, the neckline and cheek line are well-defined, giving the beard structure and shape.
Brushing and washing regularly as well as oiling daily would be the only grooming habits you’d need to undertake.
2. The Full Goatee
I’ve written extensively on goatees before. There’s just something about them that makes them so appealing.
Perhaps it’s simplicity or maybe it’s versatility. Either way, there are few styles that have stood the test of time so effectively.
Although you generally see goatees styles on men with shorter facial hair, they can work extremely well with this medium length as well.
A “goatee” refers to a style that consists of hair on the chin but not on the cheeks. That’s the only rule that needs to be applied. If it adheres to that rule it can quite comfortably be labeled a “goatee” style.
Goatee variants include the goatee with stubble, the goatee with chinstrap and so much more.
The Full Goatee consists of a mustache and a chin beard connect to each other. The shape encircles the mouth and the hair within it is allowed to grow freely.
You would need to trim the goatee itself down to keep it looking neat. Brushing would also serve it well.
The cheeks would need shaving regularly which may put some men off. However, goatees will always be considered relatively “low-maintenance”.
The style can help to elongate and accentuate the chin which may be exactly what a man is looking for. Goatees work particularly well on men with round faces, but its versatility lends itself well to most face shapes.
3. The Van Dyke
The definition of a Van Dyke is a controversial topic. Here’s an article on the goatee vs the Van Dyke. But essentially, a Van Dyke is simply a variant of the goatee.
The defining features of a Van Dyke are a handlebar mustache (curled at the tips), as well as a tuft of hair on the chin.
This tuft is often carved into a downwards facing triangle and sometimes connected to the soul patch above it.
It’s always a disconnected goatee style. In other words, the mustache and chin beard do not touch each other.
The style is a little bit more technically demanding due to additional trimming requirements.
You may also need an additional product to keep the handlebar in place – beard balm or beard wax would be good options.
But it’s a great way to stand out because the style always turns heads. It may not be one that you wear all the time, but a potential option for those formal occasions where you want to make a statement.
4. The Full Beard Plus Handlebar
This style also utilizes a handlebar – it’s what gives it a unique twist (no pun intended).
The difference between this style and the Van Dyke is that it’s not a goatee. There is hair on the chin, the mustache, and the cheeks.
Of course, the neckline and cheek line need defining to keep the style looking neat and intentional.
The handlebar will also need combing and grooming. But what makes this style great is that you can simply add the handlebar to a normal beard whenever you feel like changing things up.
The style also works very well when the soul patch is isolated by trimming the hair either side of it. It almost looks like the soul patch is kept in a box, much like in the picture above.
Once again, this is a simple measure you can take to stand out. You’d be surprised by how small changes like this that take very little time can make such a drastic impact on the overall look.
The 20mm beard is a length that would give you many possibilities. As length increases, you’ll find that the opportunities do as well.
Medium-length beards such as this do come with additional grooming requirements that cannot be ignored, however.
Brushing, oiling, and potentially balming should become a regular part of your routine.
Hopefully, this article has given you everything you wanted to know. If you aren’t sure whether this length is for you, there’s no harm in trying it out.
Crossing the threshold from short into medium length, or even going backward from long to medium can be a daunting concept for some.
But the beauty of beard growth is that facial can be trimmed and it will, of course, grow back.
There’s so much scope for experimentation it’s crazy. You can make mistakes and you won’t be punished for it. That’s what makes it so great.
Have fun with it.
Ready Sleek founder. Obsessed with casual style and the minimalist approach to building a highly functional wardrobe. Also a fan of classic, vintage hairstyles.